News & Dissemination by partners

02/03/2021NOVAWebsiteLisbon, Madrid and Rome together in project Blended Learning Award    

03/03/2021NOVAFacebookNOVA will coordinate an Erasmus+ project to distinguish the best “blended-learning” courses taught in English  
06/2021UAMWebsiteCall for applications: Blended Learning Award
16/06/2021NOVAWebsiteEstão abertas as Candidaturas ao Blended Learning Award | Applications for the Blended Learning Award are open
16/06/2021NOVAWebsiteEstão abertas as candidaturas ao Blended Learning Award
16/06/2021NOVAFacebookBlended Learning Award
17/06/2021UAMTwitterNew Open Call. 1st Blended Learning Award in NOVA, Tor Vergata & UAM (deadline December 2021)
18/06/2021NOVALinkedinBlended Learning Award: promoting Excellence in Higher Education
18/06/2021UAMWebsiteAbierta la convocatoria para el Blended Learning Award, que premiará experiencias docentes semipresenciales
18/06/2021UAMTwitterAbierta la convocatoria para el Blended Learning Award, que premiará experiencias docentes semipresenciales
19/06/2021UAMNewsletterBoletín informativo semanal (19 junio 2021) – Blended Learning AwardEmail
19/06/1021UAMTwitterAre you a professor at @ NOVAunl, @ UAM_Madrid or @ unitorvergata and the blended learning course you lecture has an innovative educational approach?Apply for the Blended Learning Award
09/07/2021UAMNewsletterBoletín informativo semanal (9 de julio de 2021) – Blended Learning AwardEmail
14/07/2021TOR VERGATAWebsiteBLA – Blended Learning Award, presentazione on line su Teams
28/07/2021TOR VERGATAWebsiteBLA Blended Learning Award
29/09/2021UAMTwitterSigue abierta la convocatoria para el Blended Learning Award, que premiará experiencias docentes semipresenciales.
10/2021NOVALinkedinO agendamento de sessões de esclarecimento e apoio às candidaturas à 1.ª Edição do Blended Learning Award continua aberto.
18/10/2021NOVAWebsite1st Edition of the Blended Learning Award (BLA) – support sessions for the applications are open
19/10/2021NOVAFacebookDia 20 de outubro inicia-se o agendamento das sessões de esclarecimento e apoio às candidaturas ao Blended Learning Award
28/10/2021NOVAFacebookO agendamento de sessões de esclarecimento e apoio às candidaturas à 1.ª Edição do Blended Learning Award continua aberto
28/10/2021NOVATwitterO agendamento de sessões de esclarecimento e apoio às candidaturas à 1.ª Edição do Blended Learning Award continua aberto
17/11/2021UAMTwitterLa convocatoria para el Blended Learning Award continúa abierta
07/12/2021UAMNewsletterBoletín informativo (17 de diciembre de 2021) – BLAEmail
29/12/2021NOVAWebsite1st Edition of the Blended Learning Award (BLA) – Deadline Extended
01/2022NOVALinkedinO prazo de candidaturas da 1.ª edição do Blended Learning Award foi alargado e decorre até dia 17 de janeiro
04/01/2022NOVAFacebookO prazo de candidaturas da 1.ª edição do Blended Learning Award foi alargado e decorre até dia 17 de janeiro
04/01/2022NOVATwitterO prazo de candidaturas da 1.ª edição do Blended Learning Award foi alargado, até dia 17 de janeiro.
04/2022NOVAWebsiteProfessores NMS ganham Blended Learning Award 2022
04/2022TOR VERGATALinkedinBLA Blended Learning Days
04/2022NOVALinkedinNo dia 5 de abril, a NOVA acolhe o Blended Learning Day
01/04/2022NOVATwitterNOVA will host the Blended Learning Day on April 5th
04/04/2022TOR VERGATAWebsiteBLA Blended Learning Days 2022
05/04/2022NOVAWebsiteUnidade Curricular da NOVA FCSH premiada pelo  Blended Learning Award
05/04/2022NOVAWebsiteMargarida Trindade awarded NOVA’s Blended Learning Award
06/04/2022TOR VERGATAFacebookBLA Blended Learning Days 2022
07/04/2022NOVAWebsiteDisciplina da Nova SBE Ganha o Blended Learning Award
07/04/2022TOR VERGATAFacebookBLA Blended Learning Days 2022
07/04/2022NOVATwitterThe international BLA has just distinguished the Financial Statement Analysis course, lectured by Professor Francisco Martins
07/04/2022NOVATwitterUnidade curricular da @ nova fcsh desenvolvida por Chrysi Rapanta, investigadora do IFILNOVA, Cristina Oliveira, Margarida Trindade e Susana Trovão, é a grande vencedora da 1.ª edição do prémio BLA – Blended Learning Award.
12/04/2022NOVATwitterThree of our teachers and reseachers #iNOVA4Health, @ CGAlmeida @ Teodoro_Lab and Paulo Pereira won the @ NOVAunl for Blended Learning, for their course in Critical Skills in Research!
05/2022NOVALinkedinNOVA’s project is the winner of the BLA grand final
05/05/2022NOVAWebsiteBlended Learning Day – Entrega de Prémios da 1.ª Edição
06/05/2022NOVAWebsiteNova’s project is the winner of the BLA Grand Final
06/05/2022NOVAFacebookNOVA’s project is the winner of the BLA grand final
09/05/2022NOVAWebsiteUnidade curricular da NOVA FCSH é a grande vencedora do Blended Learning Award
10/05/2022NOVATwitterApós ter ganho o prémio BLA – Blended Learning Award na área de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em abril, a unidade curricular desenvolvida por Cristina Oliveira, Margarida Trindade, Susana Trovão e Chrysi Rapanta venceu agora o Grand Jury Prize da competição
9/08/2022NOVAWebsite/LinkedInThe Second Edition Of The Blended Learning Award Is Out

16/03/2023TOR VERGATALinkedIn
Transnational event for the BLA project at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
11/04/2023UNICAWebsiteNOVA University Lisbon organises event on “The Potential of Blended Learning Post Covid-19” in the scope of Blended Learning Award project

12/04/2023 NOVANewsletterNOVA hosts the 2nd Edition of the BLA Grand Award
17/04/2023NOVAWebsiteThe Potential Of Blended Learning Post-COVID-19
Blended Learning Award (BLA) multiplier event at NOVA University Lisbon
20/04/2023UAMWebsiteIFIMAC Member Celia Polop Jorda will be receiving the 2nd Edition of the Belended-Learning Awards for the Course
21/04/2023TOR VERGATALinkedInThe Potential of Blended Learning Post Covid-19
05/2023TOR VERGATALinkedInGeneral Management Awardee
05/2023TOR VERGATAWebsitePremio BLA 2023 al Prof. Alessio Farcomeni per il corso “Big Data Analysis for Economics and Finance”
23/06/2023TOR VERGATALinkedInThe Blended Learning Award- BLA competition

23/06/2023TOR VERGATAWebsite 
Prof. Gianpaolo Abatecola ha ricevuto il Blended Learning Award 2023 per il corso General Management
03/07/2023NOVAWebsiteCompilation of Blended Learning Courses Now Available
03/07/2023NOVAWebsiteE- learning
03/07/2023TOR VERGATAWebsite 
BLA – Compilation of Case Studies of High Quality Blended Learning

Ya están disponibles los cursos del Proyecto BLA – Blended Learning Awards
SERIM on Instagram: “Ya están disponibles los cursos del Proyecto BLA”