The term blended learning stands for what?

For the purpose of BLA, the term blended learning refers to the learning model that allows face-to-face instruction and synchronous computer-mediated instruction. As blended learning can vary widely in its delivery of face-to-face and online content, falling onto a large spectrum of modalities, BLA will consider formats that include flipped classes, web-enhanced courses and courses that combine different types of blended learning.

The blended learning course I intend to submit is part of the 2022/2023 curricula. Can I apply?

Yes. Blended learning courses taking place during the current academic year are eligible for BLA.

The blended learning course will be assessed by my University’s jury members?

No. Each course will be assessed by Jury members from the other two institutions. For example, NOVA courses will not be evaluated by their own Jury members.