Lisbon, Madrid and Rome –
21st April  multiplier events

NOVA University of Lisbon, together with partners from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) and the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) hold (online and onsite), on April 21st 2023, their multiplier events regarding the topics “The Potential of Blended Learning Post Covid-19” & “Blended Learning as a Tool for University Studies Internationalization”, in the scope of the BLA project (International Award on Innovation in Blended Learning in Times of Covid-19), funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

The BLA  is a tripartite initiative that joins NOVA, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata and aims to recognize the best-blended learning curricular units in the three universities and in three scientific areas: Health and Wellbeing, Social Sciences and Humanities and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).   

Besides awarding a prize for the best approach, the project also aims to promote the development of innovation in education, launching the debate on the Blended Learning theme and its importance and challenges during and after COVID-19.  

The events promoted round tables on the mentioned topics, with the presence of renowned speakers and experts, academics and students, project partners and participants from universities from all over the world.

Multiplier event @ NOVA, Lisbon
Multiplier event @ UAM, Madrid
Multiplier event @ UNITOV, Rome

The event represented an excellent opportunity to extend the network between professionals and institutions and discuss and share good practices, with national and international speakers and coordinators of relevant international projects.

The events’ programme also included sessions with the local awardees, from the second edition, in each of the 3 thematic fields from the three universities. The Awardees shared with the audience and participants good practices when adopting a blended model of Education on their own courses.

A brief ceremony of the 2nd award Grand award prize was announced: the prize was given to the course: Children’s Literature in English, by Professor Laura Torres, from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Social Sciences and Humanities.

Vice-rector Irene Martín, Carmen Morant & Celia Polop (STEM local awardees), 
Carmela Calés – Project Coordinator, Laura Torres (SSH Local awardee + Grand Awardee 2023), @ UAM, Madrid

The event ended with the core team giving their input/reflections on what they have learned with this project and the future of blended-learning.

The entire event was held in English and the programmes for each institution can be consulted here

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