The Transnational Meeting of Blended Learning Award project took place on April 16th 2023 at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

This consortium meeting was onsite and online and attended by representatives of the three consortium universities of the BLA Project – NOVA University Lisbon, Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the grand award jury members for the 2nd edition.
The goal of this Consortium meeting was to have a follow-up on the project’s management and implementation; the decision on the Grand Award for the second edition; evaluate the BLA project results and preparing reflexions and recommendations for the future.

This project, organized within the scope of the Erasmus+ Partnerships for Digital Readiness International Award for Innovation in Blended Learning in Times of COVID-19, aims at gathering cutting-edge knowledge on innovative blended learning practices in higher education institutions in Portugal, Spain and Italy.